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The Spark Plug Story .

The first documented use of a spark plug in an internal combustion engine was attributed to the Belgian Engineer Jean Joseph Étienne Lenoir in 1859. Lenoir is known for developing the first internal combustion engine, which burned a mixture of coal gas and air. The air-fuel mixture it aspirated was ignited by a "jumping spark" ignition system, which he patented in 1860. Lenoir’s ignition system created sparks by using high voltage electricity to jump an air gap. This was accomplished by sending mechanically generated low voltage pulses through a type of electrical transformer known as a Ruhmkorff coil. The coil would transform the low voltage pulses into lower current, high voltage pulses, suitable for spark generation.  Reliably igniting over 20 million combustion cycles while surviving exposure to the extreme temperatures and pressures of ignited fuel would prove to be a formidable challenge. All spark plugs are fundamentally composed of two elec...

How To Transfer WhatsApp Data From iPhone To Android

#iCareFone-WhatsApp transfer ( ) can transfer WhatsApp data between from iPhone to any Android phone and other iPhone, it can also backup iPhone/iPad data for free.

Next Level Cinema Technoloy

It is demo shoot for Epic Games / Unreal Engine that showcases the future of virtual production. Traditionally these types of shoot require a green screen and extensive post production. By shooting in this LED volume, we can capture virtual environments in camera and have the virtual environment light the live action set. FULL VIDEO

How to repair a broken Headphone Jack

Make your broken useless earphones working nice. You can Repair even Branded earbuds from this trick. Earphones,Earbuds,Headphones Life Hacks.

10 Ways Men Are Dressing Wrong

Iphone 8 Massive leaked images and features