Social media has changed the way people communicate. Maybe older people complain that it has replaced the good ol’ fashion “tea party”, so to speak. Most people these days own a smartphone, and if they don’t, then they at least have access to the internet. Because of this, the simplest way to contact a friend is to ping them on one of the many social networks they belong to. I remember my introduction to social media. I was about 12 or 13, and America Online was still the primary method used to connect to the internet. I would spend hours playing on , a social networking site started by a community of teenagers. It was through that site that I met my first online crush (whom I have never forgotten to this day). Unfortunately, the site only lasted for 13 years before shutting down. It is not uncommon for such a site to loose their standing on the internet. There is always something bigger and better that comes along. In the case of bolt, the next big thing t...
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