Many of them were music lovers,but our listening experience may not be good due to messi players,poor head phones,scrambled libraries and these are just some experience which creates poor music experiences.Here are the 10 ways you can upgrade your Music-Listening Experience. 10. Clean Up Your Music Library Full size It's tough to listen to your music if you can't find it. While not particularly sexy, one of the best upgrades you can perform is cleaning up and organizing your music library. Mac iTunes users can benefit from Doug's AppleScripts , but for the most part this is going to be a pretty boring chore. Put a nice mix together on a separate computer or music player and enjoy your favorite songs while you strip your library of its duplicates and unwanted tracks. It won't be fun, but it'll be well worth the effort. 9. Mix It Up with Some Live Shows Full size You can carry around just about any song you w...
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